Meyer, AndreaArndt, Hans-KnudKnetsch, GerlindePillmann, Werner2019-09-162019-09-162012 introduction and application of energy efficiency systems and their methods according to the DIn EN ISO 50001 standard is still inhibited by many different factors in small and medium sized enterprises. Firstly, it is a lack of monetary resources in most cases. That includes asset costs as well as costs for particularly educated employees and all follow-up costs such as support, further developed software versions and updates. A SME cannot act and invest like one of the bigger enterprises or a concern - that is a fact. Secondly inhibiting is the already established structure of processes and working resources that have to be broken trough. That means an alteration at least or even a total change of business flows. It can only be handled by an optimally skilled management base, which is unfortunately hard to be found in SME. Different researches and analyses have shown that. All that implies, that well developed IT-solutions have to be brought right to this point. Well developed means, there has to be a comprehensive research about the special needs of SME and further collaboration with these companies while developing an IT-based tool for energy efficiency support, that can be offered and established as an optimal standard environmental software tool which is developed and improved by their own users. The advantage of providing standard software instead of individually developed solutions is clearly and mainly a factor of costs. Ready made software products are mostly cheaper, because they do not run through a long and complex developing process which demands consideration and decision from experts and users within the enterprise. But its still a question of the viewpoint. Individual software on the other hand has an high customize level which means that it does not keep a heavy overload of unnecessary functionality thats useless, expensive and disturbing for most users. There has to be found a middle ground between those two approaches. „ReMo Green“ is taking care of all of the points above and expands it with one simple, but important component - the enterprise itself.„ReMo Green“ - A new way of developing Standard Environmental SoftwareText/Conference Paper