Eichler, GeraldEichler, GeraldKropf, PeterLechner, UlrikeMeesad, PhayungUnger, Herwig2019-01-112019-01-112010978-3-88579-259-8https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/19015Web-based communities like the Fotocommunity or MySpace are ubiquitous in many private areas. Heavy PC applications are out, mobile apps are in. With Wikipedia, public knowledge is preserved, and moods are reflected situation-based by Twitter immediately. Content creation complements consumption. But social networks, as formed by facebook, Studi.VZ or Xing, are not limited to private contacts anymore - they become a huge source for data mining and replace news gathering e.g. by Twitter. In 2007, Don Tapscott introduced the term "Wikinomics" to describe how community technologies conquer the business markets. Against the tradition, such technologies coming from the field of collaboration – also known as peer production – infiltrate companies from the base, introduced by the collaborators and not by the management. There are absolutely different methods to handle this, which will be compared. Are the Wiki workplace, the global factory and the co-operative mind the real keys for the business culture of tomorrow?enWeb 2.0 versus enterprise 2.0 - how communities influence today's company cultureText/Conference Paper1617-5468