Meiller, DieterBoll, SusanneMaaß, SusanneMalaka, Rainer2017-11-222017-11-222013978-3-486-77855-7 1300 residents of the city of Amberg came together to create a sculpture. The sculpture has both a physical and a virtual presence. The physical part consists of a large sphere, split into two hemispheres, each large enough to walk in between and view from the inside. Each participant of this collaborative project designed wax plates that were then cast in bronze and mounted onto the sphere. The realization of the virtual counterpart of the physical creates a duality that changes the perspective how the observer perceives the art. It provides deeper insight into the intention of the artists' work and their relationship to each other in this social artwork.enA Social Sculpture for the Digital Agemensch und computer 2013 - workshopband