Ege, FlorianHöppner, StefanTichy, MatthiasStieß, SarahHerrmann, Andrea2024-02-222024-02-2220230720-8928 self-adaptive systems do a poor job of coordinating their reconfigurations, and those that provide coordination capabilities offer few facilities to under stand how the system decides on its behavior. In this paper, we outline a state graph, the central artifact of a new approach for a self-adaptive system which utilizes simulations provided by Slingshot to decide on adaptations. Slingshot is a simulator on the Palladio ecosystem. We describe the structure of the state graph and its usage in our self-adaptive system approach. We further discuss technical challenges for Slingshot that need to be solved to implement the envisioned self-adaptive system.enself-adaptive systemcoordinationsimulationstate graphPalladioState Space Exploration for Planning Reconfigurations in Cloud-native SystemsText/Conference Paper