Gálfi,GergelyKozsik,TamásZimborás,ZoltánDemmler, DanielKrupka, DanielFederrath, Hannes2022-09-282022-09-282022978-3-88579-720-3https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/39464As the capabilities of quantum computers - regarding the numbers of physical qubits, the number of consequtive coherence-keeping steps, or the noise of the gates - are continuously improving, so they enable the implementation of complex algorithms, including ones which combine classical and quantum-enabled steps. Such computations will need control and data shared between the two worlds (quantum and classical), and for improving code quality by eliminating redundancies they may also need a form of classical/quantum polymorphism. This paper proposes a high-level programming language, Qubla to support this type of polymorphism, allowing not only genericity, but also mixed classical and quantum arithmetics. In this language, arithmetical and logical operations can be performed on data formed of both classical bits and qubits. The current implementation of the language works as a interpreter/compiler hybrid: all the classical steps of the program are executed consecutively and together with them the quantum steps are added as building blocks to a quantum logic definition over qubits.enProgramming language for unified computing with classical and quantum bits10.18420/inf2022_931617-5468