Jakobi, TimoStevens, GunnarJohannsen, Vivian KvistJensen, StefanWohlgemuth, VolkerPreist, ChrisEriksson, Elina2019-09-162019-09-162015https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/25603Reducing energy consumption is one of the most pursued economic and ecological challenges concerning societies as a whole, individuals and organizations alike. At the same time, advances in ubiquitous computing now allow for comprehensively measuring energy consumption in close detail. Still, few studies have touched on understanding what use could be made of such data streams within office environments, though they account for almost every second workplace in modern economies. In this paper, we present findings of an energy feedback study conducted in an organizational context using behavioral change oriented strategies to raise energy awareness. Apart from demonstrating the potentials of this approach, we highlight contextual challenges to overcome for success and pitfalls to avoid. For making effects of feedback interventions sustainable, we finally sketch how energy consumption data could be included into organizational processes, for supporting sustainable action in organizations across departments.Potentials of energy consumption measurements in office environmentsText/Conference Paper10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.39