Pauck, FelixBodden, EricWehrheim, HeikeFelderer, MichaelHasselbring, WilhelmRabiser, RickJung, Reiner2020-02-032020-02-032020978-3-88579-694-7 and more Android taint-analysis tools appear each year. Any paper proposing such a tool typically comes with an in-depth evaluation of its supported features, accuracy and ability to be applied on real-world apps. Although the authors spent a lot of effort to come up with these evaluations, comparability is often hindered since the description of their experimental targets is usually limited. To conduct a comparable, automatic and unbiased evaluation of different analysis tools, we propose the framework ReproDroid. The framework enables us to precisely declare our evaluation targets, in consequence we refine three well-known benchmarks: DroidBench, ICCBench and DIALDroidBench. Furthermore, we instantiate this framework for six prominent taint-analysis tools, namely Amandroid, DIALDroid, DidFail, DroidSafe, FlowDroid and IccTA. Finally, we use these instances to automatically check whether different promises commonly made in the associated proposing papers are kept.enAndroid Taint AnalysisToolsBenchmarksEmpirical StudiesReproducibilityReproducing Taint-Analysis Results with ReproDroidText/Conference Paper10.18420/SE2020_361617-5468