Kirsten, ToralfRiechert, ThomasSeige, LeanderEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5The FDM2017 workshop within the multi-conference INFORMATIK 2017 addresses the inclusion of available heterogeneous databases and linked open data to current research questions. While data management structures have been already recognized as a new research area, these methods are becoming increasingly attractive for answering research questions in the humanities and social sciences. The relevant research processes and the related information systems for supporting such operations are subject to this call. In particular, questions on data and copyright protection, data collection and archiving on the part of process management, as well as virtualization, availability, the provision of services and the requirements analysis in the research process on the part of the information systems are of primary interest. In this context, the workshop addresses data, knowledge, and software engineers as well as operators for IT departments of research facilities, libraries, archives, and information suppliers. The FDM2017 workshop will accept original work written in German or English. It will be co-located with the workshop on Linked Enterprise Data Services, Provenance, Linking, and Quality (LEDSPLaY 2017).deWorkshop Digitale Prozesse und Informationssysteme im Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM2017)10.18420/in2017_1351617-5468