Kubach, MichaelGörwitz, CaterinaHornung, GerritHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Talamo, Maurizio2017-06-202017-06-202016978-3-88579-658-9In this position paper, we present non-technical challenges that arise while building ecosystems for trustable smart assistants in the Internet of Things. Such non-technical challenges are often neglected in the development process of information systems, even though they are important elements for their success. Only if the assistants are technically effective and fit into the non-technical framework conditions of their application area (e.g. the market structure, stakeholder, liability, and data-protection requirements), they will be able to become successful innovations. We will support this argument in our position paper, focusing on the socioeconomic and legal perspective.enNon-technical challenges of building ecosystems for trustable smart assistants in the Internet of things: A socioeconomic and legal perspectiveText/Conference Paper1617-5468