Cortier, VéroniqueGaudry, PierrickGlondu, StéphaneRuhault, SylvainVolkamer, MelanieDuenas-Cid, DavidRønne, Peter B.Ryan, Peter Y ABudurushi, JurlindKulyk, OksanaRodriguez Pérez, AdriàSpycher-Krivonosova, IuliiaKirsten, MichaelDebant, AlexandreGoodman, Nicole2024-12-132024-12-132023978-3-88579-741-81617-5468 the 2022 legislative elections, France made use of Internet voting for a fraction of its voters, namely French voters from abroad. For the first time, France introduced the notion of verifiability and third party. We report here the role of the third party, its interaction with the ANSSI, what it meant in terms of verifiability, as well as its limitations.enE-VotingVerifiabilityFrench 2022 legislatives elections10.18420/e-vote-id2023_10a verifiability experiment