Bruegger, Bud P.Müller, Moritz-ChristianHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, Heiko2018-10-102018-10-102013978-3-88579-617-6 paper reports on the experience of the FutureID project in the creation and use of an eID terminology so far. A major part of work has reviewed the state of the art in eID Terminologies. Five existing terminologies have been compared and analyzed in detail to yield unexpected and surprising results. On this basis, FutureID has designed its approach for creation and use of an eID terminology that is currently being implemented in the project. It is hoped that the terminology, its approach, and the related infrastructure will constitute a general community resource, well beyond the scope and duration of the project.1 Section headingenThe eID-Terminology Work of FutureIDText/Conference Paper1617-5468