Schultze, SvenGruenefeld, UweBoll, SusanneHansen, ChristianNürnberger, AndreasPreim, Bernhard2020-08-182020-08-182020 learning has revolutionized machine learning, enhancing our ability to solve complex computational problems. From image classification to speech recognition, the technology can be beneficial in a broad range of scenarios. However, the barrier to entry is quite high, especially when programming skills are missing. In this paper, we present the development of a learning application for beginners that is easy to use, yet powerful enough to solve practical deep learning problems.We followed the human-centered design approach and conducted a technical evaluation to identify solvable classification problems. In the future, we plan to conduct a user study to evaluate our learning application online.endeep learningmachine learningexplainableeducationDemystifying Deep Learning: A Learning Application for Beginners to Gain Practical ExperienceText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2020-ws111-334