Yigitbas, EnesSauer, StefanButz, AndreasKoch, MichaelSchlichter, Johann2017-11-222017-11-222014978-3-11-034450-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/8165Self-service systems are technically complex and provide products and services to end users. Due to the heterogeneity of the users of such systems and their short residence time, the usability of a system’s user interface (UI) is of great importance. Currently, an intuitive and flexible usage is often limited because of the monolithic architecture of existing self-service systems. Furthermore, today’s self-service systems represent the one-and-only endpoint of communication with a customer when process-sing a transaction. The integration of the customer’s personal computing devices, like desktop PC, notebook, and smartphone is not sufficiently covered yet. In order to tackle these problems, we have established a methodology for developing adaptive UIs for multi-channel self-services where a customer may, for example, start a transaction on a PC at home, modify it with the smartphone, and finally finish it at a self-service terminal. In this paper we describe our integrated model-based ap-proach for the development of adaptive user interfaces for distributed multi-channel self-service systems and show its applicability in practice based on an exemplary case study.enabishcipersonalizationuser modelingFlexible & Adaptive UIs for Self-Service SystemsText/Conference Paper