Kiesewetter, HelmutBrinkschulte, UweBecker, JürgenFey, DietmarGroßpietsch, Karl-ErwinHochberger, ChristianMaehle, ErikRunkler, Thomas A.2019-10-302019-10-3020043-88579-370-9 concept for the solution of problems at the digital processor has been developed, which is based on a four level approach of attacking a problem. It concerns the abstract, concrete, active and heuristic level of problem solution. Dialectic pairs of notions have to be defined, in order to specify separation and connection relations at each level and from level to level. The precise reference structures of DIGORGAO support the potential for self organization. A digital organ virtuscope has been implemented at the PC according to the DIGORGAO concept. It offers full functionality for the solution of computer vision problems.enDIGORGAO - A digital problem solution conceptText/Conference Paper1617-5468