Soloshchuk, VasylMayr, Heinrich C.Karagiannis, Dimitris2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-2017 this paper the approach to the software project dynamics research and optimisation is presented. This approach is based on the Measurement, Modelling and Management of the software development process (the MMM approach). We propose to collect the statistics data of such software project parameters as software product size, requirements size, effort, duration, staff number, costs, etc. in order to forecast these parameters for future projects and optimise the whole software development process and its management. The chief practical impact of this research work is the project management system development based on the MMM approach. The research is supported by the IBM Faculty Awards program (2006-2007).enMeasurement, Modelling and Management Approach to the Software Project Dynamics OptimisationText/Conference Paper1617-5468