Memmesheimer, Vera MarieSchwenkreis, Sofie MagdalenaEbert, Achim2024-08-212024-08-212024 Mixed Reality handheld displays (MR-HHDs) seem promising for collaborative Extended Reality, representing remote HHD users is challenging. Compared to head-mounted displays, a HHD's orientation is more likely to deviate from its user's view. As a first step towards enhanced MR-HHD user representations, we explore how accurately a HHD-ray originating from the device determines the position of a virtual object while a user is looking at it. Furthermore, the front camera's accessibility is evaluated through face detection. For this, we consider 11 object positions in 8 settings using a smartphone / tablet in landscape / portrait mode while standing / sitting. Our results show that the HHD-ray's accuracy was affected by device orientation, viewing direction, and distance. Furthermore, face detection combined with a visual warning performed very well. Considering these insights, we suggest replacing HHD-rays with adaptive spotlights and encourage using the front camera when designing future collaboration support features.en Enhanced User Representations for Handheld Mixed RealityText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2024-mci-ws06-205