Sutherland, KarenMcLeod, KennethBurger, AlbertHegering, Heinz-GerdLehmann, AxelOhlbach, Hans JürgenScheideler, Christian2019-04-032019-04-032008978-3-88579-228-4 key application area of semantic technologies is the fast-developing field of bio-informatics. Sealife is a project within this field with the aim of creating semantics- based web browsing capabilities for the life sciences. This includes meaningfully linking significant terms from the text of a web page to executable web services. This requires the semantic mark-up of biological terms, linking them to biomedical ontologies, then discovering and executing services based on terms that interest the user. This paper deals with the process of discovery and execution of web services, pro- viding an overview of our experience in using existing Semantic Web technology to achieve better integration of the current web with the rapidly growing e-Science web service infrastructure.enSemantically Linking Web Pages to Web Services in BioinformaticsText/Conference Paper1617-5468