Bosler, UlrichSchreiber, MartinHilty, Lorenz M.Gilgen, Paul W.2019-09-162019-09-162001 More than 200 schools are participating in the project Schools for a Living River Elbe from the German and the Czech Republic catchment areas of the river Elbe. The project is (apart from the international Globeproject) the largest educational water quality project world-wide. The contribution is concerned with the following issue: Towhat extent is it possible to support environmental education with the help of IT i n order to get from local approaches (which have been fostered to date) to global observations. In summary, it can be recorded that computer support facilities can be employed, which connect local monitoring with a global presentation of school measuring results in an exemplary manner. A user-friendly software solution was developed which goes froma locally used school software to the implementation of a cross-national "School-ElbeGIS"in the Internet. Further detail will be explained in Zürich like a critical résumé and an evaluation of the IT use in the projectThe Environmental German-Czech Project : Schools for a Living River Elbe. From River Data Collection to its Presentation in an Internet based School-Elbe-GISText/Conference Paper