Bruegger, Bud P.Lipp, PeterHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Talamo, Maurizio2017-06-202017-06-202016978-3-88579-658-9LIGHTest is a project that is partially funded by the European Commission as an Innovation Action as part of the Horizon2020 program under grant agreement number 700321. LIGHTest`s objective is to create a Lightweight Infrastructure for Global Heterogeneous Trust management in support of an open Ecosystem of Stakeholders and Trust schemes. We show supported scenarios, motivate the necessity for global trust management and discuss related work. Then we present how LIGHTest addresses the challenges of global trust management, its reference architecture and the pilot applications.enLightest - A lightweight infrastructure for global heterogeneous trust managementText/Conference Paper1617-5468