Becker, JörgAhrendt, ChristophConers, AndréWeiß, BurkhardWinkelmann, AxelFähnrich, Klaus-PeterFranczyk, Bogdan2019-01-112019-01-112010978-3-88579-269-7 business process compliance is an important topic in the financial sector. Various scandals and the financial crisis have caused many new constraints and legal regulations that banks and financial institutions have to face. Based on a domain-specific semantic business process modeling notation we propose generic process compliance business rules that serve as a first step towards the identification of individual compliance business rule patterns in banks. These rules can be seen as a basis for the automatic identification of compliance issues in existing processes (process models) and hence for managing business process compliance in the financial sector.enBusiness rule based extension of a semantic process modeling language for managing business process compliance in the financial sectorText/Conference Paper1617-5468