Jesus, VitorSilva, CatarinaBarraca, João PauloRosner, GiladNehme, AntonioWaqas, MuhammadL. Aguiar, RuiRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Mödersheim, Sebastian2021-05-202021-05-202021978-3-88579-706-7 explore a ‘Smart-BnB scenario’ whereby someone (an Owner) advertises a smart property on a web platform. Renters use the platform for short periods, and may fully enjoy the property, including its smart features such as sensors. This scenario should further ensure the Renter’s privacy, so we use consent receipts and selective sharing. This paper describes a demonstrator of how smart environments can operate in a privacy respecting manner.enIoTAccess ControlPermissionsSmart Homesconsent receiptsPermission and Privacy Challenges in Alternate-Tenant Smart SpacesText/Conference Paper1617-5468