Timm, FelixSauer, ValentinaRossmann, AlexanderZimmermann, Alfred2017-06-082017-06-082017978-3-88579-666-4Enterprise architectures (EA) help organizations to analyze interrelations among their strategy, business processes, responsibilities, application landscape and information structures. Such ambitious endeavors can be supported by using reference models for EAM. Although research thoroughly addresses the development of reference models, the characteristics of EA models are not investigated in this context. Our work therefore applies one approach for inductively constructing reference process models to the EA domain. We thus contribute to the reference modeling research field in general and its application to development of reference enterprise architectures in detail.enReference Enterprise ArchitectureReference ModelingInductive DevelopmentEnterprise ArchitectureEnterprise ModelingApplying the Minimal Cost of Change Approach to inductive Reference Enterprise Architecture Development1617-5468