Alberton, Anetede Souza, Evandro AbreuEnsslin, LeonardoPillmann, WernerTochtermann, Klaus2019-09-162019-09-162002 study utilizes the Multiple Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) and the objective of the case study is to construct an evaluative model which measures the performance of a company’s production plants in the diverse areas of a Program called SOL (Safety, Organization and Cleanliness). The SOL Program is based on 5S philosophy, but covering only the aspects of safety, organization, and cleanliness in each work area; focuses on pertinent aspects of the control and prevention of accidents, the level of cleanliness and hygiene in the workplace, and the organization of equipment and tools, among others.Utilization of the Multiple Criteria Method for Evaluation of the Performance of Plants with Respect to: Safety, Organization and CleanlinessText/Conference Paper