Ortmeier, FrankStruck, SimonLipaczewski, MichaelJähnichen, StefanRumpe, BernhardSchlingloff, Holger2018-11-192018-11-192012978-3-88579-293-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/18370Software is taking over more and more functionality in most technical systems, which leads to the term software-intensive or cyber-physical systems. Although this offers many exciting new opportunities, it also makes precise analysis of safety and reliability goals much more complicated. Well-known traditional techniques often reach their limits. Model-based approaches on the other hand can be useful for solving some of these problems. However, in industrial practice answering the question alone is often not sufficient. It is also necessary to explain how answers were found. In this paper, we will show some of the capabilities of modern model-based analysis methods and highlight how they possibly could be used in safety engineering resp. what obstacles need to be avoided.enUsing model-based analysis in certification of critical software-intensive systemsText/Conference Paper1617-5468