Sieper, Anna AbadAmarkhel, OmarDiez, SavinaPetrak, DominicBecker, Michael2021-03-092021-03-092020978-3-88579-750-0 developers are often confronted with tasks for which there are widespread solution patterns. Searching for solutions using natural language queries often leads to unsatisfying results. Github, Microsoft Research and Weights & Biases created the CodeSearchNet Challenge to address this problem. Its goal is to develop code search approaches that return the code that best matches a natural language query. In this paper, we investigate two different approaches in this context. First, a Neural Bag-of-Words encoder using TF-IDF weighting and second, a Graph Convolutional Network which includes the call hierarchy in a target method’s representation. In our experiments we were able to improve the Neural Bag-of-Words models, whose results were published in the CodeSearchNet Challenge. Our Neural Bag-of-Words encoder improves the MRR by 4.38% for Python and 4.98% for Java. The Graph Convolutional Network did not improve the results over of the Neural Bag-of-Words model.enSemantic Code SearchGraph Convolutional NetworkNeural Bag-of-WordsCode-SearchNet ChallengeSemantic Code Search with Neural Bag-of-Words and Graph Convolutional NetworksText/Conference Paper1614-3213