Ruiz, AlexandreVillar, Jorge L.Wulf, ChristopherLucks, StefanYau, Po-Wah2019-08-262019-08-2620053-88579-403-9 this paper we propose a simple PVSS scheme based on the homomorphic properties of Paillier's encryption scheme. This new scheme is the first known PVSS scheme based on the decisional composite residuosity assumption. The verification process in this scheme is much simpler than in the other known schemes. Furthermore, in our proposal, verification is made non-interactive without using the Fiat-Shamir technique or any additional Zero Knowledge proof.enPublicly verifi able secret sharingPaillier’s encryptionhomomorphic encryp- tiondecisional composite residuosity assumptionsemantic securityPublicly verifiable secret sharing from paillier's cryptosystemText/Conference Paper1617-5468