Donath, SteffiMutke, StefanRoth, MartinLudwig, AndréFranczyk, BogdanAbramowicz, WitoldAlt, RainerFähnrich, Klaus-PeterFranczyk, BogdanMaciaszek, Leszek A.2019-01-112019-01-112010978-3-88579-271-0 success of an enterprise is largely determined by its ability and flexibility to react to changes and its business process stability and safeness. Innovative technologies help to improve the execution and management of business processes and ensure that a competitive position can be achieved or enhanced. Radio frequency identification is such an innovative technology with a high potential of optimisation within business processes for example for reduction of processing time and failure rates. By means of a practical case study this paper gives recommendations and shows how RFID can improve business processes.enRFID-based business process improvements – Case stody results and recommendationsText/Conference Paper1617-5468