Yun, HaeseonRiazy, ShirinFortenbacher, AlbrechtSimbeck, KatharinaPinkwart, NielsKonert, Johannes2019-08-142019-08-142019978-3-88579-691-6 learning refers to utilizing physiological sensor data from learners and information from a learning environment to promote learning. Sensor data enclose learner’s personal information so ethical practice of adopting sensor data in learning analytics needs to be explored thoroughly. In this positional paper, we examine current ethical practices in learning analytics to derive a code of practice for sensor-based learning. Furthermore, we critically validate a wearable sensor device developed as a learning support against the derived code of practice.enLearning AnalyticsSensor based learningELSIGDPRSensor DataCode of Practice for Sensor-Based LearningText/Conference Paper 10.18420/delfi2019_3261617-5468