Tietje, OlafHilty, Lorenz M.Gilgen, Paul W.2019-09-162019-09-162001https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/26747Real environmental problems cannot be simply solved by system modelling. On the one hand, an evaluation under several perspectives is necessary, for instance by different agents. But, on the other hand, evaluations, such as multi-criteria evaluations, cannot rely simply on information about the values and priorities of the agents. Reliable evaluations, which may be shared by several agents, have to rely on system knowledge and its proper representation. This is even true for the evaluation by scientific experts, who discuss both the underlying (uncertain) system knowledge and the applicable evaluation criteria. Therefore an evaluation model must be related to a flexible system representation, which is capable to change and improvement, and a corresponding set of evaluation criteria, which can be interactively tested, improved and completed. The object-oriented design consists of - A hierarchy of system objects - An evaluation object and its inheritors and - A corresponding interface. The system representation inherits the land use, soil, and plant properties to the land object, which is going to be evaluated. The evaluator object has several groups of criteria (social, economic, and ecological). The methods include the presentation of the land system, its remediation based on the system specification and the available knowledge, the acquisition of the system knowledge by the evaluator, the acquisition of values and priorities, and the preliminary evaluation. The main task is the analysis of the evaluation, which continuously leads to a refinement of the preliminary evaluation until a further refinement of the system representation is necessary or until the evaluation is considered final. A Java implementation of the System Representation and Evaluation Model (SREM) i s presented for the evaluation of remediation options for soil contaminations with heavy metals Cadmium, Zinc, and Copper. The SREM is not merely another soil evaluation model, which are numerously available, but a prototype of an evaluation tool, which can be used for practical evaluation tasks, because it combines the structural aspects (system representation and a hierarchy of evaluation criteria) and the procedural aspects (interface of the representation and evaluation objects) of evaluation.A system representation and evaluation model based on object-oriented designText/Conference Paper