Kwan, EvaLighthouse, SamSchiefer, BerniStorm, AdamWu, LeanneWeikum, GerhardSchöning, HaraldRahm, Erhard2019-11-142019-11-1420033-88579-355-5 paper describes the DB2® Configuration Advisor, an expert tool for the configuration of DB2 databases. This advisor has shown dramatic results for tuning and configuring DB2 servers on UNIX® and Windows® platforms. The recognition of the essential need for administration and design tools has spurred renewed interest among leading relational database management system (RDBMS) vendors. The DB2 Configuration Advisor is a key feature in DB2's Autonomic Computing self-managing technology portfolio. This paper discusses the purpose and features of this expert advisor. Experimental results are presented with a description of the advisor's interfaces.enAutomatic database configuration for DB2 universal database: Compressing years of performance expertise into seconds of executionText/Conference Paper1617-5468