Rinderle-Ma, StefanieMichael, JudithWeske, Mathias2024-02-192024-02-192024978-3-88579-742-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43622Manufacturing is a domain that spans a broad range of process orchestration scenarios with different requirements regarding the degree of automation and human involvement. Moreover, context is provided in manufacturing orchestrations by a rich set of sensor streams that (externally) influence the process execution and outcome. In this keynote, the model-driven design and automation of different real-world manufacturing scenarios is presented. We explain the arising challenges and how they can be met by existing process technologies. Future research directions and opportunities, in particular, the interplay of process automation and process mining conclude the keynote.enModel-driven Design and Automation of Process Orchestrations in ManufacturingText/Conference Paper10.18420/modellierung2024_0021617-5468