Geisser, MichaelHappel, Hans-JörgHildenbrand, TobiasKorthaus, AxelSeedorf, StefanHeinzl, ArminDadam, PeterKirn, StefanLockemann, Peter2019-06-032019-06-032009978-3-88579-245-1 software development, wikis are currently mainly used for brainstorming and documentation purposes or error management and project coordination. This article describes four advanced application scenarios for wiki support in software development processes: Requirements Engineering, Traceability and Rationale Management, Architectural Knowledge Sharing, and Lessons Learned Management in a distributed knowledge infrastructure. Finally, we will give a conclusion by summarizing the main advantages and drawbacks of the presented innovative uses of wikis in software engineering.enNew applications for wikis in software engineeringText/Conference Paper1617-5468