Anderl, ReinerHaag, SebastianSchützer, KlausZancul, Eduardo2021-06-212021-06-212018 Twin technology is increasingly gaining importance for digitizing industry. Even if digital twin technology still needs fundamental research, its significance for industry has become very visible, as digital twin technology is a key success factor to professionalize Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) applications. Industrie 4.0 as an initiative to increase industrial added value is based on establishing connectivity between CPS and to enable communication between CPS. The industrial application scenarios for Industrie 4.0 aim at vertical and horizontal lifecycle integration concepts where digital twin technology plays an important role. This contribution explains major concepts of Industrie 4.0 and derives the role of digital twin technology. Furthermore, digital twin approaches are presented and as well as the proposal to use the STEP-technology (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data, ISO 10303) as a fundamental basis for a comprehensive digital twin technology.enDigital TwinIndustrie 4.0Lifecycle IntegrationDigital twin technology – An approach for Industrie 4.0 vertical and horizontal lifecycle integrationText/Journal Article10.1515/itit-2017-00382196-7032