Salva, SébastienRollet, AntoineEichler, GeraldKüpper, AxelSchau, VolkmarFouchal, HacèneUnger, HerwigEichler, GeraldKüpper, AxelSchau, VolkmarFouchal, HacèneUnger, Herwig2019-01-112019-01-112011978-3-88579-280-2 Services fall under the so-called emerging technologies category and are getting more and more used for Internet applications or business transactions. Currently, there is an important need for validation techniques of web service based architectures. Web services, that are currently proposed into UDDI registries, are not always tested. And for most of them, no specification is provided. So, we propose in this paper, a testing method which can generate test cases only from WSDL descriptions. This method is able to check the following aspects: operation existence, exception management, and session management. We express how to generate test cases and we describe a testing framework, composed of a web service tester, which executes test cases and gives the final test verdict.enconformance testingweb servicesexception managementsession managementAutomatic web service testing from WSDL descriptionsText/Conference Paper1617-5468