Rissanen, TeemuHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Talamo, Maurizio2017-06-202017-06-202016978-3-88579-658-9MyData is a framework and model for a human-centric approach for managing and processing personal information in the context of online services. The MyData approach is based on the right of individuals to access all data collected about them in public and commercial records. The core principle driving the MyData effort is that individuals should be in control of their own data. The MyData approach aims at strengthening digital human rights while opening new opportunities for businesses to develop innovative personal data based services built on mutual trust and respect of digital privacy rights in a positive way. The Finnish Trust Network (FTN) is a circle of trust composing of nationally notified Identity Providers (IDP) and notified identity service Brokers. It is a technical and legal framework under which different notified IDP's are mandated to provide strong authentication services for Finnish citizens and residents that can access public online services in Finland, in compliance with the provisions of the eIDAS regulation. As a whole, the FTN and MyData networks offer a new platform for reorganising public online services for the 21st century.enPublic online services at the age of mydata: a new approach to personal data management in FinlandText/Conference Paper1617-5468