Weber, SandroKlinker, Gudrun2019-09-052019-09-052019 present the re-embodiment of human actors inside the Neurorobotics Platform [6] as a workin-progress. The Neurorobotics Platform (NRP) is built to design and perform robot embodiment experiments in simulations. Virtual experiments consist of a simulated environment as well as artificial actors in the form of robots with simulated brains. The goal is to allow users to spawn their personal humanoid robotic body into an experiment, take control over it through VR hardware and with this become active participants in experiments alongside and in cooperation with the simulated robots/brains.envirtual realityembodimentre-embodimentneuroroboticsVR Re-Embodiment in the Neurorobotics PlatformText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2019-ws-585