Kubach, MichaelRoßnagel, HeikoSellung, RachelleHühnlein, DetlefRoßnagel, Heiko2018-10-102018-10-102013978-3-88579-617-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17204Although eID technology has undergone several development cycles and eID have been issued to citizens of various European countries, it is still not as broadly used as originally expected. One reason is the absence of compelling use cases besides eGovernment. Current Research focuses mainly on the needs of the user and technical aspects. The economic perspective is often disregarded. This is especially the case for the service providers that play a fundamental role in the adoption of the technology. The requirements of these stakeholders certainly have to be considered in the development of viable business models. So far, however, little empirical evidence on these requirements exists. We therefore performed a survey-based empirical analysis in two industries from the leisure sector to gain first insights into this topic. Results show that the service providers in our sample don't see a pressing need to change their currently used authentication method. However, they think that certain eID features could be valuable for their services. Our analysis of the hurdles showed that there is no ultimate reason that keeps service providers from implementing the eID technology.enService providers' requirements for eID solutions: Empirical evidence from the leisure sectorText/Conference Paper1617-5468