Limmer, SteffenDitter, AlexanderFey, DietmarPruksch, MatthiasBraun, ChristopherDrescher, FlorianBeißer-Dresel, Martin2017-06-292017-06-292015The generation and the execution of tests for complex software systems are usually very time consuming tasks. With the help of model-based testing it is possible to accelerate the process of generating test cases. Thus, it is possible to automatically generate a large number of test cases in a small amount of time in order to achieve an accurate test coverage. However, with an increasing number of test cases the problem of the long execution time is intensified. A possible solution can be the parallel execution of the tests on compute resources of a public or private cloud. In the project Test@Cloud a service was developed that enables the distributed execution of tests in cloud infrastructures. The present paper describes this service and its operating principle. Additionally, the results of an evaluation of the service with help of benchmark measurements are presented. The evaluation shows that the service can yield notable Speed-Ups. By distributing the execution of a test series over 19 virtual machines, it could be executed in 32 minutes, instead of 10.5 hours like it was the case when only one virtual machine was employed.enTest@Cloud – A Platform for Test Execution in the CloudText/Journal Article0177-0454