Rúa, Enrique Argonesvan Hamme, TimPreuveneers, DavyJoosen, WouterBrömme, ArslanBusch, ChristophDamer, NaserDantcheva, AntitzaGomez-Barrero, MartaRaja, KiranRathgeb, ChristianSequeira, AnaUhl, Andreas2021-10-042021-10-042021978-3-88579-709-8https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/37472In this paper we address gait authentication using a novel approach based on spiking neural networks (SNNs). This technology has proven advantages regarding energy consumption and it is a perfect match with some proposed neuromorphic hardware chips, which can lead to a broader adoption of user device applications of artificial intelligence technologies. One of the challenges when using this technology is the training of the network itself, since it is not straightforward to apply well-known error backpropagation, massively used in traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs). In this paper we propose a new derivation of error backpropagation for the spiking neural networks that integrates lateral inhibition and provides competitive results when compared to state of the art ANNs in the context of IMU-based gait authentication.enSpiking neural networksContinuous authenticationOpen set biometric authenticationIMU gait authenticationGait Authentication based on Spiking Neural NetworksText/Conference Paper1617-5468