Löbe, MatthiasJantke, Klaus P.Fähnrich, Klaus-PeterWittig, Wolfgang S.2019-08-272019-08-2720053-88579-401-32https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24904Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a significant element of quality assurance in health care. They consist of practical, mandatory instructions for frequently occurring tasks in the performance of clinical trials. The methods of how to accomplish these tasks embody the current state of medical knowledge and are approved by a consensus vote of domain experts. This paper shows the usefulness of a workflow-based web application for knowledge distribution in large research networks1. It analyses the needs for coordinated collaboration, describes conceptual aspects and discusses an approach to formalise SOPs.enSOP-Creator – A Tool for the Management of Standard Operating ProceduresText/Conference Paper1617-5498