Kühne, ThomasGirschick, MartinKlar, FelixMayr, Heinrich C.Breu, Ruth2019-08-122019-08-1220063-88579-175-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24228Architecture Stratification is a technique for describing and developing complex software systems on multiple levels of abstractions. In this paper we present an approach and a corresponding implementation-in the form of a Fujaba pluginfor refining models including their behavior. Our plugin enables Fujaba models to be annotated with refinement directives and supports the definition of corresponding refinement transformations with a combination of “Story-Driven-Modeling” and Java code. In this paper we motivate architecture stratification, describe how to define and use transformations, and present a case study.enTool support for architecture stratificationText/Conference Paper1617-5468