Lubos, PaulGarber, CarinaHoffert, AnjulyReis, InaSteinicke, FrankButz, AndreasKoch, MichaelSchlichter, Johann2017-11-222017-11-222014978-3-11-034450-9 touch technology provides precise and accurate large multi-touch surfaces, which allow multiple users to collaborate in these two-dimensional setups. Furthermore, recent developments in the field of display technology support visualization of three-dimensional (3D) virtual environments (VEs) in high-fidelity visual detail on these surfaces. Finally, cost-efficient depth cameras such as the Microsoft Kinect support affordable hand tracking, which enables interaction above the surface. In this paper we describe the interactive SPAtial SurfaCE (iSPACE), a system combining classical multi-touch-based interaction with direct mid-air selection and manipulation of stereoscopically projected virtual objects. By utilizing a large state-of-the-art Ultra HD 3D display and a high-performance touch frame, the system offers high-quality collaborative exploration.enInteraktive DisplaysBlended InteractionInteractive SpacesTabletopTangible InteractionThe Interactive Spatial Surface - Blended Interaction on a Stereoscopic Multi-Touch SurfaceText/Conference Paper