Kröner, AlexanderSato, Hideo2017-11-152017-11-152004 personalized delivery of content is a way of making online content portals more attractive to end users, and consequently, nowadays many online portals provide varying ways of personalizing their service. In order to facilitate the creation of such personalized services, the IMAGEN toolset came into existence. IMAGEN aims at creating personalized con- tent packages, where documents are selected from a repository with respect to the customer’s interests, and are bundled to a pack- age. The appearance of packaged documents may be revised in order to take the layout preferences of authors, service providers, and customers into account. In this contribution, we describe varying ways of personalizing the layout style of content packages, ranging from a plain exchange of styles as suggested by the content authors to a constraint-based style unification. In the sequel we describe how service providers as well as customers may take influence on that revision process in order to obtain personalized layout styles.enPersonalizing the Appearance of Content PackagesText/Conference Paper