Gnoyke, PhilippHerrmann, Andrea2024-04-082024-04-0820220720-8928 paper summarizes Philipp Gnoyk's master thesis about the evolution of software-architecture smells and (architectural) technical debt. An empirical study has been executed to answer the following research questions. RQ 1: How can the long-term evolution of architecture smells (AS) and architectural technical debt (ATD) be adequately quantified and represented? ”Adequate” result quality implies a balance between accuracy, computation efficiency, and intuitive understandability. RQ 2: How do existing ASs and ATD influence the introduction of new ASs and ATD? RQ 3: How does the rate of reducing existing ASs and ATD influence the introduction of new ASs and ATD? RQ 4: Which factors influence the length of the time span in which ASs persist in a system?enevolutionarchitecture smelltechnical debtempiricalOn the Evolution of Architecture Smells and Technical DebtText/Conference Paper