Rudolf, HeinoFretag,UlrikeFuchs-Kittowski, FrankHosenfeld, FriedhelmAbecker, AndreasWikarski, Dietmar2019-11-222019-11-222017„Big Data meets Smart Data“–An entirely new approach to environmental data management: sustainable, scalable, expandable and interoperable. In the past data processing was focused ona simple and automated work processes. Today we can find other approaches: the creation of authentic representations of our reality enriched with assessments, forecasts, simulations etc. For this image we have tomanage complex data structures and their interoperability with difficult cause-and effect-relationships between all environmental spheres.Therefore we must find a modelling method that is able to depict the environmental reality with its processes. That’s why: The core of my approach is a theme-crossed understanding of the environmental processes. The object definition bases on a mathematical system-analysis of the ecosystem that includes an understanding of the processes in the environment.And one real object is represented as exactly one information object. All information objects can have any geometry and exists in time. The geometry is only an attribute.Data model mirrors the operating mode of the ecological system.Structure is neither tailored to European reporting commitments nor to INSPIRE. For new requirements data model can be upgraded by objects and combines at any time.And this model offers the opportunity to depict cause-and effect-relationships of our environment.deEine Methode zur Verwaltung von Fernerkundungsdaten und den Auswirkungen im ÖkosystemText/Conference Paper