Dörndorfer, JulianSeel, ChristianSchaefer, InaKaragiannis, DimitrisVogelsang, AndreasMéndez, DanielSeidl, Christoph2018-01-232018-01-232018978-3-88579-674-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/14956The success and ubiquity of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets changed the daily work activities of many employees and employers. With the data provided by mobile devices in combination with external data from databases or web services, it is possible to recognize the context of a business process. Context recognition allows to adapt the business process by selecting the next process step or providing the necessary data, like the next customer near the current location. However, to use the advantages of context recognition, mobile business processes have to be designed, implemented and executed in a context-aware manner. Therefore, this paper presents a comprehensive framework for modeling context-aware business processes, which comprise the business process as well as the information collection to evaluate the needed context. Furthermore, it presents an architecture for the realization of context-aware applications.enContext-aware Business ProcessesBPMNDomain Specific Modeling Language (DSML)Mobile ArchitectureA Framework to Model and Implement Mobile Context-Aware Business ApplicationsText/Conference Paper1617-5468