Faltaous, SarahJanzon, SimonHeger, RomanStrauss, MarvinGolkar, PedramViefhaus, MatteoProchazka, MarvinGruenefeld, UweSchneegass, StefanSchneegass, StefanPfleging, BastianKern, Dagmar2021-09-032021-09-032021https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/37292Obesity and overweight are two factors linked to various health problems that lead to death in the long run. Technological advancements have granted the chance to create smart interventions. These interventions could be operated by the Internet of Things (IoT) that connects different smart home and wearable devices, providing a large pool of data. In this work, we use IoT with different technologies to present an exemplary nutrition monitoring intake system. This system integrates the input from various devices to understand the users’ behavior better and provide recommendations accordingly. Furthermore, we report on a preliminary evaluation through semi-structured interviews with six participants. Their feedback highlights the system’s opportunities and challenges.eninternet of thingssmart homenutrition monitoringhealthWisdom of the IoT Crowd: Envisioning a Smart Home-based Nutritional Intake Monitoring SystemText/Conference Paper10.1145/3473856.3474009