Sudeikat, JanKöhler-Bußmeier, MichaelKlein, MaikeKrupka, DanielWinter, CorneliaGergeleit, MartinMartin, Ludger2024-10-212024-10-212024978-3-88579-746-32944-7682 Systems (CPS) are hybrid systems, composed of computational and physical components. Enabling the transitioning from strict hierarchical architectural design to decentralization requires coordination and adaptivity. In this talk, we review our recent research efforts on enabling adaptive CPS by adapting organizations of system elements at run-time. This approach is supplemented by adjusting inter-element coordination at run-time. We discuss how coordination mechanisms from multiagent research benefit CPS development and outline work in progress towards the integration in industrial settings.enAssets, Artifacts and (Multi-)Agents: On Enacting Adaptive Organizations in Cyber-physical Systems: Invited TalkText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2024_1631617-54682944-7682