Engl, StephanNacke, Lennart2017-11-222017-11-222010https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7374In this paper we are discussing a new model of mobile gameplay experience with a special focus on contextual influences of play in ubiquitous environments. The model was developed based on prior general gameplay models which were extended and refined based on the results and personal experiences taken from several evaluative user field studies with mobile games. The experimental results point to two different playing contexts: home and mobile, which were evaluated with a gameplay experience questionnaire (GEQ). The GEQ showed significant difference in negative affect and immersion between mobile and home setting, which are moderated by several influencing contextual factors. This leads us to propose a contextual gameplay experience model that accounts for spatial, temporal, social, cultural, and psychological influences in an external context. The implications of the contextual gameplay model are discussed in light of future research.enUser Experience (UX)mobile gamingevaluation techniquesquantitative methodsfield studyHow Mobile is Mobile Gaming? Contextual Influences on Mobile Player Experience – A Model PropositionText/Conference Paper