Hanus, Michael2023-05-222023-05-222006https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/41581We propose a new technique for the high-level construction of type-safe web-oriented user interfaces. Our approach is useful to equip applications processing structured data with interfaces to manipulate these data in an efficient and maintainable way. The interfaces are web-based, i.e., the data can be manipulated with standard web browsers without any specific requirements on the client side. In order to support type-safe user interfaces, i.e., interfaces where users can only input type-correct data (types can be standard types of a programming language as well as any computable predicate on the data), we propose a set of type-oriented building blocks from which interfaces for more complex types can be easily constructed. This technique leads to a very concise and maintainable implementation of web-based user interfaces.enType-Oriented Construction of Web User Interfaces – Extended Abstract –Text/Journal Article0720-8928